ZAZUMi Case Study

ZAZUMi, your home and garden boutique, offers plants, decor, and organic delights. Seeking a smoother checkout and higher conversions, Zazumi decided to implement Convertim checkout.

e-commerce site conversion rate
conversion rate of one-click checkout


ZAZUMi wanted to provide a seamless and hassle-free experience. Recognizing the inherent apprehension surrounding plant delivery quality, ZAZUMi introduced innovative plant packaging that guaranteed safe and pristine delivery. However, the e-commerce checkout conversion rate still lingered below the industry average, igniting the drive to engineer substantial enhancements.


Rediscovering Abandoned Carts
For return customers abandoning carts, Convertim's savvy pop-ups reengage, offering incentives to seal the deal upon their website return.
Quick One-Click Checkout
A seamless one-click checkout for loyal customers streamlined the process, spiking conversions.
Trust in Plant Delivery
To reassure plant buyers, ZAZUMi showcased its plant packaging during checkout, instilling confidence.
Precision in Choices
Calculating order dimensions and weight, ZAZUMi ensured accurate pickup point delivery method displays, enhancing user experience.

Resulting Data

Tested in April and May 2023, ZAZUMi's conversion rates surged by 34.8%. Known customers with pre-filled Convertim forms enjoyed an impressive 67.1% higher conversion rate.

Convertim helps us to simplify the ordering process as much as possible and thus maximize the shopping experience in our e-shop. The ability to save your data makes repeat purchases even faster. The presence of abandoned cart reengage plays a significant role in increasing sales. Thanks to constant testing and subsequent improvements, an essential part of our shopping process is always up-to-date and in line with current trends.
Zdeněk Sekera
e-commerce manager at Zazumi

Provide your shoppers with best checkout experience now